Archive for the ‘corn’ Category

Garden 2010 Edition Version 1.0

I feel like I’m behind on my garden.  I felt the same last year, too, but I was actually late with some things and just didn’t care that much about it.

So, welcome to Garden 2010 Edition.  Version 1.0.

Photos to be featured in an upcoming post.

From the top, I’ve got:

Horseradish (Annual) – I am dying to dig into the horseradish, but everything I read tells me to wait two full years!  My mom got hers at the same time and hers has a flower on it about 4 feet tall.  Mine has no flowers, but it looks big, green and healthy!

Mixed Greens – Arugula, Mesculin Mix, etc. – Eeks, there are ants all through my mixed greens.  What do I do?  I can’t really spray anything! It doesn’t look like they are eating the greens, but it just seems….ew.

Spinach, Curly – I planted seeds later then I wanted, but they are cute little buds, an inch high.  I can wait for this because my parents are yielding 2-3 gallon sized ziploc bags full per 3-4 days!

Heirloom Rhubarb (Annual) – I probably should have sheltered my three babies for a better winter last year, but they did get some good cow manure.  Like my horseradish, I really want to wait for these babies to have at least another half a growing season.  They seem short, but well rooted.  I’m excited for rhubarb!  I want to get some red in there, though. 

Peppers – Pepperocini, Mixed Bell – I think. – Ahh, I didn’t buy plants or start any of these this year.  I just put the seeds in the ground.  Well, it has been a week and a half and I’ve got nothing poking up.  Its a pretty big bummer, but I’m holding out that they will poke up amongst the beginning of weeds before too long. 

Sugar Snap Peas – These pups never make it into the house.  When I take my dog out in the morning, I stand in the garden and eat them right off the vine.  Ohhhh so good.  I’m going to do better this year by replanting so that I get a continuous crop this year.  I’d love to put some in the freezer, but I’m not sure if they’d get eaten.

Yellow Pear Tomato – I have 5 1/2 of these plants.  I say a half because one is small and although I had it out to get hardy before planting, I don’t think it is going to make it!  I’m really looking forward to these because they are a bit sweeter and milder than the juicy beefsteaks and cherry tomatoes that I’ll have.

Beefsteak Tomato – Six of these plans are in the ground!  They are looking good after three weeks in.  I can’t wait!

Cabbage – My parents and I were driving through the Buck over in Lancaster one day last year and there was a sign on the hardware store “free plants.”  We stopped and picked up tomatoes, cabbage and some other random things.  I put the cabbage in a window box and kept them through the winter.  The tomato didn’t make it, but I’ve got two green and one red cabbage. I had to mulch grass clippings around them because they were frying in my garden.  They look good now!

Various Squash – mostly yellow – When I planted these, it was in the beginning of a thunder shower and I was loving the weather.  I am pretty sure I intentionally mixed up the seeds.  I had some seeds on hand from two years ago and I planted them thinking they’d be a bit more selective in germinating.  Wow, I was wrong.  Squash anyone?

A half a row of something – reference previously mentioned thunderstorm.  I really thought I planted after the squash, but nothing is coming up.  I guess we will see?

White Sweet Corn – 3 1/2 rows.  Like the old squash seeds, I had old corn on hand.  It went in the ground and it looks like everything is coming up!  I should  probably thin them out as I wasn’t very uniform in my planting because of the mix of old and new seed.  I swear I planted four full rows, but I’ve only got 3 1/2!

Marigold – My mom has some old seeds she found in a ziploc bag, and who knows how old they are!  Looks like they were taken right off the dead plant.  I can’t tell if some are coming up or not!  Cross your fingers, I would love it if my garden were edged in this!

Cherry Tomato – These little guys are volunteers every year.  My parents planted them ages ago under one end of the porch and well, they come back.  Two years ago I let them go wild and really didn’t do anything with them.  Last year, I pulled A LOT out.  I kinda regret it now!  I ended up making some sun-dried (err…oven-dried) tomatoes and they were DELICIOUS.  I want more more more!  These little guys don’t come up until later in the season, but I’m content to wait as the season is long.  Anyone want to buy some sun-dried tomatoes?

In other garden news….My dad had some big sheets of plastic recycled from somewhere.  I think building materials probably came packaged in it.  He put in two big pieces for me.  It doesn’t cover the whole garden, but it covers up to my peas, and my tomatoes and cabbage.  There is a space where I have squash, unknown, and corn and then another piece.  I have about a third of garden left to plant!  I can’t decide what I want to put in there! I know that I don’t want to plant onions.  I should probably plant pumpkins for fun.

Herbs – I bought a bunch that need to go into the ground or pots, soon.  I hesitate to put them in the garden because I think they will fry or get to weedy.  Maybe I should buy some mulch and put them in somewhere.